Leave it to Weavers, directed by comedian and actor Daniel Hanover Knight, is the tale of a family who hasn’t seen each other in a while. The siblings reunite at home on the rez for the holidays and to discuss some very important news. All’s calm and bright until they hear the pitter patter of hooves on the roof and Anita decides she needs to stock up the freezer.
Written by local Indigenous comedians, Maureen Belanger, Dakota Ray Hebert, Ryan Moccasin, and Daniel Hanover Knight, this production is full of warmth, laughter, music, and more!
@ Swift current
Nov. 29 & 30 at The Lyric Theatre
@ Saskatoon
Dec. 12 - 19 at The Broadway Theatre
Leze Pewapsconias | Anita Weaver |
Raven Dallman | Faye Weaver |
Dalton Lightfoot | Elliot Weaver |
Shawn Cuthand | Elijah Weaver |
Daniel Knight | Santa/Music |
Creative Team
Daniel Knight | Director |
Cody Brayshaw | Set Design |
Jeff Chief | Costume Design |
Kei Tanaka | Props Design |
Liam Scramstad |
Production Manager, Sound Design |
Luke von Eschen | Lighting Design |
Ed Mendez | Fight Director |
Aaron Shingoose |
Stage Manager |
Ian Ninnie | Assistant Stage Manager |
Daniel & Lancelot Knight | Music |
Hailey Verbonac |
Poster Design |